Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The beginning of beginnings

This is the start of it all. i leave for Africa in two months, and i'm getting all of my crap together before i leave. there is new camera gear to purchase, sources to check up on, and fundraising still to complete.

my mission of going to Uganda, Rwanda, etc. is not to save the world--No single photograph could ever change so much. however, picture by picture, brick by brick, i want my photographs to contribute to a much grander scheme of events. ultimately, i do want my pictures to create awareness and a base for helping those who suffer. Hell yea, im scared. Being scared isnt the issue--it's a matter of answering my calling. I feel morally obligated as a visual story teller and a human being to tell the stories of the afflicted. It's not about being a good journalist, either. the "africa in chaos" angle has been beaten to death time and time again; but yet the issues remain. I dont care how many times africa's problems are addressed(or more than not, ignored) by the mass media--if they still exist, i will continue to tell them.

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